Nas partnered with members of ColorofChange.org & MoveOn.org to insight and deliver a 620,000 + signed petition to end the bias, racist, bigoted, sexist propaganda (not that I have an opinion on the matter, journalistic-ally speaking *wink) that Fox loves to push as real news! Nas had a main concern however, that Fox News portrays Michelle and Barack Obama in racist manor. This is how I love to see Black Men! Passionate and empowered to change circumstances that they don’t like and will NOT put up with! He delivered a politically artistic speech to the press and a crowd of peaceful protesters in front of the Fox News Corporation yesterday evening.
Bill O’Reilly responded to the protesters and Nas on “The O’Reilly Factor” Wednesday by calling them ‘new klan’ and:
“The Move On organization espouses a radical left agenda and attacks those who oppose that nonsense… The latest smear from Move On is telling their Kool-Aid-drinking zombie followers that Fox News is smearing Barack Obama and is a racist concern. Of course, that’s a lie. This broadcast and FNC in general have been exceedingly fair to Senator Obama. … But in order to intimidate anyone from criticizing Obama in any way, Move On is playing the race card.”
Wait hold the phone…Kool -Aid-drinking?! Like we all don’t know who that refers to! You definitely just helped me to personally believe that you espouse the very thing you’re trying to say that you and you’re network doesn’t promote-prejudice, racism, ignorance. Nas responded by saying:
“Things he’s saying are worse than the worst rap lyrics I’ve ever heard…They don’t want to deal with it. They want to try to act like they want to get away from it.
Posted via BET.com
And by the way "Fuck Bill Oreilly" with his racist ass!!!!!
Orgin of Kool-aid:
Dang, is EVERYTHING racist?????
This comment is for who ever keeps leaving the"anonymous"comments and firts and foremost I do know who Jim Jones is and about the cult poisonings that he administered,and for Bill Oreilly to even make that statement was ignorant anyway you look at it,and as for you who ever the fuck you are this is my point of view and if you can't respect that don't come to my blog plain and simple!!
Sorry, I just thought that you didn't know what it meant. You know, let you know that he wasn't being racist by saying "drink the Kool-Aid." don't have a blogger account so I have to post Anonymous. My name is Harley.
If you look at their ratings, you will see that Fox News and Bill O'Reilly really suck. Don't they know that speaking against the Obama Messiah is punishable by death. It is too bad that it take more than 620,000 signatures to repeal the 1st Amendment of the Constitution. Don't they know that the 1st Amendment only protect speech that we agree with. Obama should make NAS his VP or his Secretary of Education and Urban Musical Lyrical Development.
8PM - P2+ (25-54)
The O’Reilly Factor- 2,586,000 viewers (524,000)
CNN Election Center– 639,000 viewers (217,000)
Countdown w. Olbermann – 1,170,000 viewers (361,000)
The Suze Orman Show -170,000 viewers (62,000)
Nancy Grace – 927,000 viewers (332,000)
9 PM - P2+ (25-54)
Hannity & Colmes – 1,819,000 viewers (399,000)
CNN Presents – 2,565,000 viewers (1,210,000) **Ran from 9-11PM ET
Verdict w/ Dan Abrams– 551,000 viewers (185,000)
Big Brother, Big Business- 137,000 viewers (79,000)
Glenn Beck- 555,000 viewers (153,000)
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