Hey Philly folks well you know it's officially Mexican Heritage month and the good ole guys over at Made To Order are having a pretty dope art exhibit tomorrow night,here's the details enjoy!!!
Myles Smutney is a Chicago born artist who burst onto the Philly scene last March.
Stirring up attention for her detailed and wheatpasted depictions of fallen angels, her skeletal characters, armed with bow and arrows, pierced the eyes of passerby wherever they stood guard. Myles' work made it from the streets to streetwear stores like Afficial and now Made to Order.For the upcoming Mexican holiday, Dia De Los Muertos, Myles has created a body of work that is far from traditional.This is a show not to be missed.
Stirring up attention for her detailed and wheatpasted depictions of fallen angels, her skeletal characters, armed with bow and arrows, pierced the eyes of passerby wherever they stood guard. Myles' work made it from the streets to streetwear stores like Afficial and now Made to Order.For the upcoming Mexican holiday, Dia De Los Muertos, Myles has created a body of work that is far from traditional.This is a show not to be missed.
"La Muerte del Amantes" : Statement '08
"La Meurte Del Amantes" started as a show centered around the traditional Mexican holiday, "Dia de los Muertos".
A day when people dance and rattle their bones to wake loved ones from their graves. I thought it the perfect event to coincide with my 25th birthday celebration.
Initially I was drawn to the romance of bringing to life a lover who had passed. I went full force, fabricating in acrylic a fictional love so strong to awaken and renew an old flame.
While working on this show, realization of my mortality and consequences of my past actions changed the show title and changed me. I renamed it, picking from a pile of misspelled Spanish script I had drawn transforming the literal "la meurte de los amantes/death of lovers" into Myles' speak for death of whatever. Right now its 24. Or at least everything I did or was when I was 24 years old.
This is a body of work centered on ideas of renewal, transformation, and the death of what was.
This show is about the life I have ahead of me, this my 25th and uncertain amount of other birthdays, and shedding my skin of past mistakes and allowing the person I want to be to emerge.
Death to anxiety, caffeine, late nights, false hope, misguidance, bad habits, and general bullshit.
Today is the first day of my 25th year of my life.Happy Birthday to me.xoxo Myles
Mi Vida Loca.
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